Economic And Political Weekly

Economic And Political Weekly

For Reforms of The Finance
Politics of Emergency Framing
Questioning Fiscal stategy
Towards a New Natural Gas Policy
Partition in Cinema
A Different Climate Changr Policy
Dealing With Mansoon Failures
The Dinakaran Imbroglio
Reservations within Reservations
Kerala's Education system
Women in Panchayats
Hullabaloo over Nuclear Testing
Public Price of Success
Critiquing the Critics of the Left
Who is my Ally?
Tech System for solar Energy
Maoistts and The Indian State
What Is Maoism?
Upwardly stickly Bank Lending
Realism in Bombai Cinema
Sovereign State,Mobile subjects
Remembering Balagopal
Innovation Since 1991
New Pension System
Maoists and the Trinamool
copenhagen cop-out
Labour Movement
ULFA's End
colonialism,Christianity and Tribals
Review of Agriculture
Displacement and Relocation
India's Tortuous Transition
Nehru and the Nagas
Whither Peace Process in Nepal?
prabhash Joshi:A Tribute
26/11 and jingoist Politics
US Hold on Copenhagen
Sovereign Default in the Core?
Gandhi's Swaraj
Ghadar movement
towards Clarity on GST
Democracy, State and Capital
Evaluating Defence Expenditure
Dealing with Inflation
Mentality Of Democracy

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