ഒഴുകുന്ന പുഴപോലെ
പൗലോ കൊയ്ലോ Paulo Coelho tr. by Raju Vallikkunnam
ഒഴുകുന്ന പുഴപോലെ - 1st ed. in 2014, 5th ed. in 2018 - Kottayam DC Books 2018 - 223p 1.2cm
Ozhukunna Puzhapole
Like the Flowing River
Paulo Coelho
Malayalam Kadhakal
Malayalam Story
Malayalam Stories
8M3.01 COE-O
ഒഴുകുന്ന പുഴപോലെ - 1st ed. in 2014, 5th ed. in 2018 - Kottayam DC Books 2018 - 223p 1.2cm
Ozhukunna Puzhapole
Like the Flowing River
Paulo Coelho
Malayalam Kadhakal
Malayalam Story
Malayalam Stories
8M3.01 COE-O